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Join us for a series of 4 powerful sessions exploring what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. These 4 sessions, spaced out over 4 months are for those who are ready to dive deeper, knowing that God has called them to more than just a Sunday Christianity.

If you have felt stuck in your faith walk, if you want to learn what it means and looks like to be sold out for Jesus, if you want to discover the unique gifts and talents God has placed in you this course along with the extra resources, group encouragement and personal challenge opportunities will equip and focus you for a life of passionate devotion to Christ.

Be prepared to do the work between sessions, to offer the accountability needed and the courage required to confront the areas that are holding you back from going “all in” for God.

Registration is essential and all course participants are expected to attend all 4 sessions. Further information available on enquiry.

5 March