Upcoming events.



Join us for a series of 4 powerful sessions exploring what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. These 4 sessions, spaced out over 4 months are for those who are ready to dive deeper, knowing that God has called them to more than just a Sunday Christianity.

If you have felt stuck in your faith walk, if you want to learn what it means and looks like to be sold out for Jesus, if you want to discover the unique gifts and talents God has placed in you this course along with the extra resources, group encouragement and personal challenge opportunities will equip and focus you for a life of passionate devotion to Christ.

Be prepared to do the work between sessions, to offer the accountability needed and the courage required to confront the areas that are holding you back from going “all in” for God.

Registration is essential and all course participants are expected to attend all 4 sessions. Further information available on enquiry.

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Join us on Wednesday nights across 2025 as we commence a brand new series called “Adulting”. Covering a variety of life-skills topics this course is designed to help us upskill and be equipped so we can lead fulfilling and God glorify lives.

We have a responsibility to ourselves and others to grow and mature, so we can be a blessing to those around us and a good example for the generation after us. But sadly, there are many “life skills” that we don’t learn well. These are the areas that tend to fall through the cracks, either because there is no formal education at school, or perhaps sadly because we didn’t have more experienced people around to teach us these essential skills.

Topics to be covered include:




Life Admin

Health and Nutrition

Church Membership

Marriage and more.

Designed to equip you with practical and up to date information all balanced by the timeless wisdom given to us in the Word of God.

These online events will be held monthly on Wednesday evenings across 2025. A full date and topic schedule is available. Registration is required to provide access to the whatsapp community and resource kits.

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Vision Sunday & Lunch

Vision Sunday & Lunch

Join us as we officially launch the church calendar of 2025 along with the vision, mission and mandate God has given to Vine Church in 2025. This will be a day of joy-filled celebration as well as inspiration and equipping. Afterwards we welcome you to stay and enjoy a relaxed catered lunch on site with outdoor fun for the kids.

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All In Team Night

All In Team Night

Join our “All In” zoom meeting for all leaders and volunteers across Vine Church. Come and be inspired to hear the vision for 2025, and discover the many ways you can serve within Vine Church and beyond in the local community.

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48 Hour Prayer & Fast
to 7 Feb

48 Hour Prayer & Fast

We are gathering to pray and fast for the year ahead. Join us at 8am and 8pm each day with a special in person prayer, worship and anointing service on Friday evening at church.

See below for details of prayer schedule

Thursday 8am - Whatsapp Audio call (please ensure you have joined the Prayer Chat in our Whatsapp Community)

Thursday 8pm - Whatsapp Audio call (please ensure you have joined the Prayer Chat in our Whatsapp Community)

Friday 8am - Whatsapp Audio call (please ensure you have joined the Prayer Chat in our Whatsapp Community)

Friday 8pm - In person meeting 44 Gladesville Road Hunters Hill (arrive from 7:30pm)

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